ESXCLI - Update Host DNS

Need to balance a vSphere cluster but don't have DRS?

If you ever find yourself in a position where you need to rebalance a cluster but don't have DRS, you know this is an annoyance at best and most likely a chore!

It's fairly straight forward. First get the vCenter and do no validation, connect to said vCenter, get a list of all hosts, then strip all DNS servers and add the ones desired back in. 

What makes this ugly?

Let's start with the assessing the current state of the cluster.

$vmHosts = get-vmhost | Where-Object {$_.Name -notin $ExcludeHostList} | Sort-Object {$_.MemoryUsageGB / $_.MemoryTotalGB} -Descending

$avgHostMemUsedPercent = ($vmHosts.MemoryUsageGB | measure-object -sum).sum / ($vmHosts.MemoryTotalGB | measure-object -sum).sum * 100

Two lines, thats easy! Ok, it is a bit dense. Let's break this down. The first line get all the hosts connected to the vCenter and sorts them by percent of used memory.

The second line uses Measure-Object -Sum to get the cluster wide total memory and total used memory to get the cluster average used percent. This cluster wide average would be our ideal balanced state and will be what we compare against.

You may have also noticed the Where-Object {$_.Name -notin $ExcludeHostList} on the first line. This will be more relevant when we look at this as a function. It's used to filter out hosts if so desired.

Ok, now let's do some work!

$mostMemUsedHost = $vmHosts | select-object -First 1

$leaseMemUsedHost = $vmHosts | select-object -Last 1

$vmList = get-vm -Location $mostMemUsedHost | Where-Object {$_.Name -notin $ExcludeVMList -and $_.PowerState -eq 'PoweredOn'}

$moveScenarios = foreach ($vm in $vmList) {


$moveScore = [math]::abs((($leaseMemUsedHost.MemoryUsageGB +

 ($vm.ExtensionData.Summary.QuickStats.GuestMemoryUsage / 1024)) /

 $leaseMemUsedHost.MemoryTotalGB) * 100 - $avgHostMemUsedPercent)


                Source      = $mostMemUsedHost

                Destination = $leaseMemUsedHost

                VM          = $vm

                MoveScore   = $moveScore


            Write-Verbose ("Calculated {0} from host {1} to host {2} with a move score of {3}." -f $vm,

 $mostMemUsedHost, $leaseMemUsedHost, $moveScore)


Line by line (sort of):

This is the core of the whole script. It takes the fullest host and the emptiest host, finds the best VM to move in order to get as close as possible to the average used memory percent. It's important to use percent here as clusters are often non-homogeneous meaning they may not have the same memory configurations.

With a list of possible moves and moves scores, it time to move some VMs.

$vMotion = $moveScenarios | Sort-Object MoveScore -Descending -Bottom 1

Write-Verbose ("Migrating {0} from host {1} to host {2} with a move score of {3}" -f $vMotion.vm.Name,

 $vMotion.Source.Name, $vMotion.Destination.Name, $vMotion.MoveScore)

Try {

        Move-VM -VM $vMotion.VM -Destination $vMotion.Destination -RunAsync | Out-Null

} Catch {

        Write-Warning ("Failed to migrate {0} from host {1} to host {2}." -f $vMotion.vm.Name, $vMotion.Source.Name, $vMotion.Destination.Name)


do {

        Write-Verbose "Waiting for vMotion to finish."

        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

        $viEvents = Get-VIEvent -Start (Get-Date).AddSeconds(-30) -Finish (Get-Date)

        $vMotionEvent = $viEvents | Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -like "*$($vMotion.VM.Name) was migrated from host $($vMotion.Source.Name)*"}      

} until ( $vmotionEvent.count -gt 0 )

This part is relatively simple. We pick the $moveScenarios with the lowest score (delta from average), perform the move, and wait for it to finish. We do have to wait for this to finish because for each move we re-evaluate the memory loads to start with a clean and current state.

Line by line (again sorta, formatting is not my thing):

Now with the core logic out of the way, let's see the whole function, bugs and all!



    Used for evacuating an ESxi hostMoves all VMs from a host to other hosts makeing some atempt to balance them.


    Attempts to balance the cluster by moving VMs from the host with the highest use memory percent to the lowest used memory percent.

    Moves are decided by a calcualted move score. This score is the post move delta percent from an ideal avarage. While this works well,

    it does favor moving larger VMs as they will provide the largest imbalance correction per move.


 .PARAMETER ExcludeHostList

    A list of hosts that will not be involved in rebalancing.


    A list of VMs that will not be considered for rebalancing.

 .PARAMETER VMFilterScript

    A script block that may be used to filter out additional VMs.


    The number of VM moves to execute.


    PS C:\>Optimize-viMemBalance -MaxMoves 5

    Allows all hosts and VMs to participart in 5 rounds of rebalancing.


    PS C:\>Optimize-viMemBalance -ExcludeHostList -ExcludeVMList NVR01, NVR02 -MaxMoves 5

    Rebalances all hosts except host or VMs NVR01, NVR02.


    PS C:\>Optimize-viMemBalance -ExcludeHostList -VMFilterScript {$_.Name -Like "NVR*"} -MaxMoves 5

    Rebalances all hosts except host or VMs whos names start with "NVR".


Function Optimize-viMemBalance {


    param (













    if ($global:defaultviservers.IsConnected -lt 1) {

        Write-Error "$(Get-Date -Format 'M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt')    $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)          You are not currently connected to any servers. Please connect first using a Connect cmdlet."



    # Build a list of vmware hosts in our cluster excluding the ones in $ExcludeHostList i.e. dts-esxhost6, our "stand alone" host. Then sort based on percent memeory used ({$_.MemoryUsageGB / $_.MemoryTotalGB})

    $vmHosts = get-vmhost | Where-Object {$_.Name -notin $ExcludeHostList}| Sort-Object {$_.MemoryUsageGB / $_.MemoryTotalGB} -Descending

    # get the avrage memory usage as a percent if all hosts were perfectlyt balanced. We use a percentage because not all hosts have the same memory and this makes it "fair"

    $avgHostMemUsedPercent = ($vmHosts.MemoryUsageGB | measure-object -sum).sum / ($vmHosts.MemoryTotalGB | measure-object -sum).sum * 100

    # init out move counter

    [int]$moveCount = 0

    do {

        # Check if we hit maxMoves and break frm the loop if we have

        if ($moveCount -ge $maxMoves) {break}

        # Refresh the list after each move

        $vmHosts = get-vmhost | Where-Object {$_.Name -notin $ExcludeHostList} | Sort-Object {$_.MemoryUsageGB / $_.MemoryTotalGB} -Descending

        # IMPROVMENT need to calculate std dev and if move score is higher, we done, shut it down!

        # Select the most utilized and least utilized hosts.

        $mostMemUsedHost = $vmHosts | select-object -First 1

        $leaseMemUsedHost = $vmHosts | select-object -Last 1

        # Get a list of VMs on teh most utilized host that are powered on and not in $ExcludeVMList. We exclued the genarch servers as they are expensive to move and want to spread them out accross all the hosts manualy. We also dont need to move vms that are powered off.

        $vmList = get-vm -Location $mostMemUsedHost | Where-Object {$_.Name -notin $ExcludeVMList -and $_.PowerState -eq 'PoweredOn'}


        # If a fillter was included, apply that now

        if ($VMFilterScript) {

            $vmList = $vmList | Where-Object $FilterScript


        # init our list of moves and add an entry for each VMs move score

        $moveScenarios = foreach ($vm in $vmList) {


            # Calculate moveScore; host mem + vm active mem / total host mem = post move delta to avarage percent. Lower moveScore means we get closer to the desired state of an average

            $moveScore = [math]::abs((($leaseMemUsedHost.MemoryUsageGB + ($vm.ExtensionData.Summary.QuickStats.GuestMemoryUsage / 1024)) / $leaseMemUsedHost.MemoryTotalGB) * 100 - $avgHostMemUsedPercent)


                Source      = $mostMemUsedHost

                Destination = $leaseMemUsedHost

                VM          = $vm

                MoveScore   = $moveScore


            Write-Verbose ("Calculated {0} from host {1} to host {2} with a move score of {3}." -f $vm, $mostMemUsedHost, $leaseMemUsedHost, $moveScore)


        # Select the best moveScenario (lowest move score) and init a vMotion

        $vMotion = $moveScenarios | Sort-Object MoveScore -Descending -Bottom 1

        Write-Verbose ("Migrating {0} from host {1} to host {2} with a move score of {3}" -f $vMotion.vm.Name, $vMotion.Source.Name, $vMotion.Destination.Name, $vMotion.MoveScore)

        Try {

            Move-VM -VM $vMotion.VM -Destination $vMotion.Destination -RunAsync | Out-Null

        } Catch {

            Write-Warning ("Failed to migrate {0} from host {1} to host {2}." -f $vMotion.vm.Name, $vMotion.Source.Name, $vMotion.Destination.Name)



        # Monitor vCenter events and wait for the job to finish

        do {

            Write-Verbose "Waiting for vMotion to finish."

            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

            $viEvents = Get-VIEvent -Start (Get-Date).AddSeconds(-30) -Finish (Get-Date)

            $vMotionEvent = $viEvents | Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -like "*$($vMotion.VM.Name) was migrated from host $($vMotion.Source.Name)*"}      

        } until ( $vmotionEvent.count -gt 0 )

        # Add 1 to the move counter

        $moveCount ++

        Write-Verbose $vMotionEvent.FullFormattedMessage


    # Rinse and repeat until we hit maxMoves

    } until ($moveCount -ge $maxMoves)

    # IMPROVMENT Output a report of mem percent of each host


We added some options to ignore hosts, filter out VMs, and because this would run forever if we let it, a maxMoves limit.

How can we make this better?

Wrapper Script

I like to use a param block to set default options and if needed, I can call the script with "PS C:\>scriptName.ps1 -option value" to override.

My org also like to use the PS transaction logs so I add that in too.


# Script wrapper for the Optimize-viMemBalance function

# This sets WSD default options, imports the needed modules, and calls Optimize-viMemBalance

param (

    [string]$viServer             = 'vCenter',

    [string[]]$ExcludeHostList    = @(''),

    [string[]]$ExcludeVMList      = @('GENARCH1','GENARCH2','GENARCH3'),

    [int]$maxMoves                = 1,

    [scriptblock]$FilterScript    = $null,


$myCommand = ([string]$MyInvocation.MyCommand).split('.')[0]

$logPath = "$PSScriptRoot\$myCommand-$(get-date -Format FileDateTimeUniversal).log"

Start-Transcript -Path $logPath

Connect-VIServer -Server $viServer

Optimize-viMemBalance -viServer $viServer -viCluster $viCluster -ExcludeHostList $ExcludeHostList -ExcludeVMList $ExcludeVMList -FilterScript $FilterScript -maxMoves $maxMoves -Verbose

if ($Log) { Stop-Transcript }

Now we can create a new scheduled task to run "powershell.exe C:\scripts\BalanceCluser.ps1" running as a service account and each time this runs, it will generate a PS transaction log at C:\Scripts\BalanceCluster-########T##########Z.log

I should note that this leave out packaging the function into a module and installing that module on the server. I'll leave that for another day.